Exploring Computational Inks

An overhead view of a diverse array of printmaking artworks spread out on a wooden table, featuring geometric and abstract designs in bold colors like blue, yellow, and red. Various printmaking tools and materials are also visible.

Algorithmic Textures & Riso Prints, 2023. Riso Printing, Various sizes.

This workshop will offer hands-on demos exploring computational inks, including thermochromic inks that change color with temperature variations, photochromic inks that react to light exposure, and conductive inks used for creating screen-printed circuits. Participants will engage in creating interactive prints that change color and form. Topics ranging from basic screen printing techniques to the principles of incorporating interactive elements into prints will be covered. Students do not need prior experience in circuitry and should be excited to explore circuits and interactive elements in relation to screen printing. All levels welcome.

Nicole Yi Messier (she/her) is an interdisciplinary artist and creative technologist. She creates expressive, soft, and tangible technological interfaces through digital mediums and experimental craft techniques, refocusing the mysticism behind machines and hardware. Recent residencies include CultureHub NYC, Praxis Digital Weaving Residency, and Directangle. Messier’s work has been exhibited internationally, most recently at La Mama Galleria, the Pacific Northwest Quilt & Fiber Arts Museum, and the Australian Tapestry Workshop. She also co-organizes an artist-led residency, electronic textile camp, and co-founded Craftwork Studio.
