Soft Circuits

A large-scale artwork that hangs from the ceiling composed of five black and yellow woven panels

Terminis, 2016. Natural and Synthetic Fiber and Dye, Aluminum; Weaving, Natural and Synthetic Dye, 108” x 36” x 144.” Photo credit: Dorothy Lam.

In this workshop, students will explore the basics of e-textiles. Using materials like conductive thread and fabric, sewable lights, and other modified electrical components, we will combine traditional textile techniques with basic electronic components. We will rethink the possibility of our classic fiber tools like weaving looms, knitting machines, and sewing machines and explore the Haystack Fab Lab to push the boundaries of technology and craft. Students do not need a background in electronics, but at least a basic understanding of some textile application(s) is encouraged and preferred.

Victoria Manganiello (she/her) is an artist, designer, educator, and organizer based in Brooklyn, NY. Exploring themes in craft history, materiality, technology, and food, she has exhibited her woven paintings, installations, books, and films internationally. Manganiello is also a co-founder of “Craftwork,” a textile and technology art and design studio, a part-time Assistant Professor of Textiles at Parsons and NYU, and co-organizer of the annual artist residency, “electronic textile camp." 