Crafting Transformation of the Everyday

A Device for Saying Goodbye (From the series 147 Devices for Integrated Principles) © Hillerbrand+Magsamen, 2019-2022. Digital Inkjet print and yarn, 24” x 24.”

Explore the art of transformation with Stephan Hillerbrand. Combine found objects into sculptural pieces, photograph them, and stitch them into the images. Discover the hidden beauty of the found object, spark conversations on sustainability, and repurpose discarded materials into artistic statements. Dive into art, sustainability, and the creative potential of everyday objects. All levels welcome.

Stephan Hillerbrand (Hillerbrand+Magsamen) (he/him) is part of the collaborative husband-wife team of Hillerbrand+Magsamen, interdisciplinary artists who explore our relationships to each other and society with an uncanny sensibility that merges the real and unreal, blurring boundaries between life and art. Many of their works take place in and literally take apart their home, transforming the everyday materials and objects in our familial landscape into devices and actions for coping. Their work reflects the contradictions and tensions in our lives with both futility and hope. Hillerbrand received a BFA from Southern Methodist University and an MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art. 